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Find a New Way to Enjoy Food with Our Help

Nutrition Made Simple

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    Weight Management

    Reach your goals - lose, maintain, or gain - with sustainable, delicious habits.
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    Customized Meal Plans

    We'll work together to create a plan you love, packed with delicious and nutritious foods.
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    Dietary Guidance

    Offer guidance for managing specific conditions like diabetes, PCOS, or allergies.
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    Ongoing Support

    I'm here to answer your questions, offer guidance, and keep you motivated on your journey.
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    get better results

    Together We Can Easily
    Improve Your Health

    I am Aiman Waquar, Dietitian and Nutritionist passionate about helping individuals achieve optimal health through personalized nutrition.


    Years of Experience

    More Than

    Happy Clients

    Let's discuss how I can help you reach your health and wellness goals.

    Schedule your free consultation today!

    Now Try Something Different

    Do you want to

    At Diet with Aiman, we believe:
    • There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition.
    • Sustainable, balanced eating habits are key to long-term success.
    • Food should be enjoyable and nourishing.
    I will work with you to:
    • Understand your unique needs and goals.
    • Create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle.
    • Provide ongoing support and guidance.
    what we offer

    Our Services

    Stop wishing, start thriving! Schedule a consultation today and discover a healthier, happier you.


    Here's some motivation for you

    What my clients feel

    Priya Sharma

    “Before working with Aiman, I felt constantly sluggish and struggled to manage my weight. Aiman created a personalized plan that considered my love for Indian spices and helped me incorporate healthy versions of my favorite dishes. I’ve lost weight, gained energy, and feel fantastic! Thank you, Aiman!”

    Priya Sharma

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